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1 hour appointments
Learn how to ask and answer common interview questions
How to manage your nerves
Prepare yourself for different styles of interviews, such as one to one and groups
Interview nerves are normal, but they don't have to get in the way! We can help you control your nerves, highlight your strengths and create a great first impression.
To enquire about our employment support, please call us on
01322 624455 or email us at
1 hour per topic.
Face to face appointments available,
Mon to Fri, between
9am and 4pm.
Free Appointments
*Funding available if you were aged 19+ on or before 31st July 2024, live within our catchment area (North and West Kent and Greater London) and haven't accessed a course with us in the last year.
(Terms & Conditions Apply)
£20 per topic,
or combine 2 topics for £30, saving £10!
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